Jul. 2, 2024


Graduate & Professional Student Association

University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Monday, July 8th, 2024

5:30 PM




Passcode: GPSA51ԹϺ
US Phone: +1 719-359-4580

Phone Code: 14888624



This meeting will be held via teleconference only pursuant to Section 1 of the Declaration of Emergency Directive 006 (“Directive 006”) issued by the State of Nevada Executive Department. If a physical location is required for the meeting, participants may be able to access the livestream by visiting the Graduate Commons at the Lied Library 2nd floor.

Public Comment may be submitted via email to gpsapresident@unlv.edu.

Messages received by 9:00 AM on the business day prior to the meeting may be entered into the record during the meeting. Any other public comment form submissions and/or voicemails received prior to the adjournment of the meeting will be transcribed and included in the permanent record.

Members of the public wishing to listen to the meeting may do so via: 


Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be presented and considered at the meeting. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of the order and presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any time.

Some agenda items are noted as having accompanying reference material. Copies of the reference materials that are distributed at the meeting may be requested by emailing the Executive Board at gpsa@unlv.edu 

This meeting’s agenda has been posted in accordance with NRS 241.020. Copies of the agenda and reference material will be made available as follows: 1. Digitally at the 51ԹϺ.edu/GPSA/Agendas and the , 2. Physically located on the First Floor of the Lied Library at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV, 3. Physically located in the Carol C. Harter Classroom Building Complex (CHB) at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with a disability attending the meeting. Please email the GPSA Manager at gpsa@unlv.edu in advance so that arrangements may be made.


Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The Board Chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the Chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the Body, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.






 Teresa Marie

 Aliciah Carr

 Devin Lopez

 David King





Lee Business School:


Dental Medicine:


College of Education:

Ayodele Aborishade

College of Engineering:

Daniella Nikoloska

College of Fine Arts:

Karla Lagunas

College of Hospitality:

Jaimi Garlington

Integrated Health Sciences:

Gregory Gill

Boyd School of Law:

Blanca Peña

College of Liberal Arts:

Hoor Ul Ain

School of Medicine:

Daniel Aynlender

School of Nursing:

Wendy Huynh

School of Public Health:

Ernest Cornejo

College of Urban Affairs:

Elisha Longoria

College of Sciences:

Jennifer Napoles

Interdisciplinary Programs:

Katie Bricarell

*Members may have been appointed by their department between the time of agenda posting and the meeting. All other members present will be available in the Minutes and listed below.


Lila Hearn, Political Science

Penny Wolkiewicz, Emergency Crisis Management

Dionne Stanfill, Law

Amrit Shahi, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Burak Sahin, Teaching & Learning

Ravi Batra, Environmental & Occupational Health

Joseph Cadiz, Nursing

Ryan Rezaei, Hospitality Management

Joseph Noce, History

Frincesca Howard, Nursing

Susan Dakwa, Social & Behavioral Health

Raven Brown, Public Policy & Leadership


Khandaker Arafin Islam, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Katie Singsank, Psychology

Members of the Public Present:

Virginia Smercina

Bill Robinson



2)      ROLL CALL

3)      PUBLIC COMMENT                                                                            INFORMATION ONLY

(See foregoing notation regarding public comment)

4)      APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                 FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

4a) The GPSA Council will consider approval of the minutes from the June 2024 Council Meeting (44-02) as posted to the public .

5)      REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS                                              INFORMATION ONLY

5a) Executive Board ()

i)       President

President Marie will report to the GPSA Council concerning 51ԹϺ related issues or events important to the 51ԹϺ graduate student body. President Marie will give an update on the cabinet positions. Call for members to join the constitution and bylaws committee. Update on the Memorandum of support regarding regalia fees posted to the GPSA Memorandums Page.

ii)     Vice President

Vice President Carr will report to the GPSA Council concerning 51ԹϺ related issues or events important to the 51ԹϺ graduate student body. Vice President Carr will provide an update on TDX and the new system process for sponsorship applications. Vice President Carr will provide information on how to join and schedule sponsorship workshops.

iii)   Treasurer

Treasurer Lopez will report to the GPSA Council concerning 51ԹϺ related issues or events important to the 51ԹϺ graduate Student body.

iv)    Secretary

Secretary King will report to the GPSA Council concerning 51ԹϺ related issues or events important to the 51ԹϺ graduate Student body.


·Director of Communications & Marketing (vacant)

·Director of Engagement & Outreach (vacant)

·Director of Legislative Affairs (vacant)

·Director of Operations (vacant)

5c) GPSA Business Manager & Advisor

·Business Manager Virginia Smercina will report to GPSA Council concerning 51ԹϺ related issues or events important to the 51ԹϺ graduate student body.

o   Updates to GPSA E-board Stipends, Changes to the Graduate Commons Space, upcoming travel for GPSA Business Manager.

·GPSA Faculty Advisor Dr. Bill Robinson will report to GPSA Council concerning 51ԹϺ Related issues or even important to the 51ԹϺ graduate student body.

5d) GPSA Committee Reports

Ways and Means:


5e) 51ԹϺ Campus-Wide Committees

Representatives serving on any external committee on GPSA behalf may use this time to provide updates.

5f) 51ԹϺ Departments/ Units

·Nevada Graduate Student Workers

·Graduate College

6)      UNFINISHED BUSINESS                                                                                FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

Unfinished Business is any motion or action item that was under discussion and was postponed or moved to this meeting at the discretion of the public body as approved by the chair.

6a) Call for Remaining Summer Representatives & President’s Cabinet    INFORMATION ONLY
President Marie requests time to remind current representatives to share the president’s cabinet information. As well as call for remaining representative spots.

• Lee Business School:

• Dental Medicine:

7)      NEW BUSINESS                                                                                               FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

New business is any motion that is new to this meeting. All items will be for possible action unless otherwise stated.

7a) Sponsorship Committee Updates and Discussion of Moratorium          FOR POSSIBLE ACTION
Vice President Carr requests time for the discussion of the Sponsorship Committee Operating Policy updates and possible action on a Moratorium that would last until August 16, 2024.

7b) Ways & Means RSO Committee Update/Discussion of Moratorium     FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

Treasurer Lopez requests time for the discussion of the Registered Student Organization Funding Program updates and possible action on a Moratorium that would last until August 16, 2024.

7c) Moratorium on Emergency Support Grant Application                         FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

President Marie requests time for the discussion and possible action on a moratorium on funding applications for the emergency support grant. This program needs to have an operation policy drafted. The Moratorium would last until August 16, 2024.

7d) Moratorium on Open Access Journal Fund                                             FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

President Marie requests the discussion and possible action on a moratorium on funding applications for the Open Access Journal Fund. This program needs to have an operation policy drafted. The Moratorium would last until August 16, 2024.

8)      ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                        INFORMATION ONLY
- Graduate Assistant Active Assailant Training with University Police Department 08/22/24 3pm-4pm
- 51ԹϺ Involvement Fair September 2, 2025 from 10am-2pm.
- Homecoming October 21-25, 2024.

9)      PUBLIC COMMENT                                                                                        INFORMATION ONLY

(See foregoing notation regarding public comment)

10)  ADJOURNMENT                                                                                             FOR POSSIBLE ACTION