Cite with Style and Ease Using Zotero


Mar. 6, 2025, 11:30am to 12:15pm
Show Recurring Dates

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Eureka Room


Using citation management software like Zotero can help you build your bibliography section with less effort. Collect, cite, and style your cited works in many of the thousands of formats for journals, conferences, and book publishers.

By attending this workshop, you will be able to install Zotero and create a library to organize research sources, integrate Zotero into your writing workflow, and identify strengths and limitations of this free, open source software.

This workshop is part of the Rebel+ Libraries Workshop Series. For questions about Rebel+ Workshops, contact

Admission Information


Open to all students and faculty.

Contact Information

Sue Wainscott

More info on this event


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