Book Your Event

If you are planning your meeting or event through Student Union & Event Services (SUES), our team will assist you with this review process, which involves working with campus partners such as risk management, grounds, and parking. SUES will work with RSO's/departments to ensure all proper reviews, notifications, and approvals are taken care of.

Submitting Your Request

Ready to book your event or need more information?


Find out which fees apply to your event.


See a list of our policies and procedures.

Creating Inclusive Events

View the page for more information about creating inclusive events.

Making your Event Safe

There are several factors considered in making your event safe for all attendees, staff, vendors and facilitators. SUES works closely with Student Involvement and Activities, Risk Management Services, and several other colleagues on campus to reduce risk. Please visit the Understanding Risk Management page for more detailed information and to plan for your event.