CEE 468: GIS Applications Civil Eng
Section: 1001

Course Section Credits Instructor Dates Status Call Number
CEE 468 1001 3 (3 max credits) Sahotra Haroon Jun. 9, 2025 to Aug. 15, 2025 Open 51355


Introduction to the basics of Geographic Information Systems software and hardware and their use in civil engineering. Emphasis on the application of GIS for the planning, design, operations, and maintenance of civil engineering systems. Laboratory sessions provide hands-on experience with GIS software and hardware using specific examples/case studies of GIS applications in various areas of civil engineering. Design of visible elements of highways such as horizontal and vertical alignment and cross-section in accordance with design controls derived from characteristics of vehicles, drivers, traffic, and pedestrians interacting with geometry, terrain, and environment to yield a safe roadway at design capacity. This course is crosslisted with CEE 668. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.


Advanced Standing; CEE 301,


This is a hybrid class; class is half face-to-face and half online.
Summer Term registration policies are not the same as Spring and Fall. Failure to familiarize yourself with Summer Term registration policies and procedures may result in penalties. Courses must be dropped the business day prior to start date to avoid penalties. Visit the Summer Term website at summerterm.unlv.edu for complete registration and schedule information.
Students who have not submitted immunization records and students who have accepted online-only agreements are not eligible to enroll in classes with any in-person requirements.

This data is for informational purposes only. Please see for a full catalog and more information.