Takashi Yamashita (Sociology) was one of the authors of a recently published study, Coauthors were Heather Cooke of the Centre on Aging at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, J. Scott Brown and Jane Straker of the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University, and Susan Baiton Wilkinson of the Fraser Health Authority. The study has been receiving media attention. Yamashita and Cooke were interviewed by the . Their study examined the validity (for example, are we measuring what we intend to measure?) and reliability (for example, are we repeatedly and consistently measuring the same thing?) of the Ohio Department of Aging Resident Satisfaction Survey when used with a sample of U.S. and Canadian assisted living residents. This unique cross-national comparison of the validity and reliability of the assisted living facility resident satisfaction has made a significant contribution to the field of social gerontology. The authors plan to develop a universal survey that offers a comprehensive, valid, and reliable means for assisted living residents to express their opinions and experiences in the hopes of improving care quality across geographic locations.