2025 Summer
Subject Catalog Number Title Instructor Mode
JOUR 316 Adventure Media Michael Easter Online
JOUR 333 Intro Inter Media Design Matthew Eichner Online
JOUR 347 Social Networks and Media Bumsoo Park Online
JOUR 375 Social Media Strategies Aya Shata Online
JOUR 380 Women and Media Leslie Snadowsky Online
JOUR 401 1st Amendment & Society Stephen Bates Online
JOUR 413 History of Journalism Gregory Borchard Online
JOUR 420 Visual Literacy Julian Kilker Online
JOUR 435 Mass Comm Rsrch Methods Linda Dam Online
JOUR 475 Global Media Denitsa Yotova Online
KIN 150 Emergency Management Online
KIN 170 Intro Kinesiology w/Lab Christian Haugen Online
KIN 170 Intro Kinesiology w/Lab Leonardo Lozano Online
KIN 170 Intro Kinesiology w/Lab Leonardo Lozano Online
KIN 170 Intro Kinesiology w/Lab Christian Haugen Online
KIN 175 Physical Activity and Health Matthew Stewart Online
KIN 200 Stats for the Health Sci Richard Tandy Online
KIN 200 Stats for the Health Sci Matthew Stewart Online
KIN 200 Stats for the Health Sci Richard Tandy Online
KIN 245 Anat Kinesiology James Navalta Online
KIN 245 Anat Kinesiology Kevin Choe Online
KIN 261 Phys Activity in Aging Vaune Kadlubek Online
KIN 309 Essentials of Pers Train Leonardo Lozano Online
KIN 316 Motor Devel Acrs Lifespan Christian Haugen Online
KIN 316 Motor Devel Acrs Lifespan Jeffrey Peterson Online
KIN 346 Biomechanics Julia Silvernail Online
KIN 346 Biomechanics Julia Silvernail Online
KIN 391 Exercise Physiology James Navalta Hybrid
KIN 391 Exercise Physiology James Navalta Hybrid
KIN 391 Exercise Physiology Michael Wong Online
KIN 408 Sci Basis Strength Devel Bracher Poston Online
KIN 410 Advanced Strength Methods Bracher Poston Online
KIN 411 1st Resp & Mil Human Perf Kathryn Bell Hybrid
KIN 414 Enhance Mental/Motor Abil Maria Gomez-Mejia Online
KIN 424 KIN PRO DEV Emmanuel Ayim Online
KIN 424 KIN PRO DEV Tony Terrell Online
KIN 465 Neurophys of Mvmt Bracher Poston Online
KIN 475 Sem Sport & Fitness Mgt Emmanuel Ayim Online
KIN 490 Internship in KIN Emmanuel Ayim Online
LAS 100 Intro Latina/o Studies Susana Sepulveda Online
LDE 201 Intro to Leadership Online
MATH 480 College Geometry Online
ME 337 Engr Measurements Online
MGT 301 Prin Mgt & Organ Beh Sheng Wang Online
MGT 301 Prin Mgt & Organ Beh Sukumarakurup Krishnakumar Online
MGT 301 Prin Mgt & Organ Beh Sheng Wang Online
MGT 302 Small Business Management James Martin Online
MGT 367 Human Resource Mgt Garold Alder Hybrid
MGT 371 Leadership & Managerial Skills Victor Isbell Online
MGT 371 Leadership & Managerial Skills Kirk Silvernail Online