Basic Student Rights under FERPA

FERPA gives eligible students five basic rights with respect to their education record:

  • The right to inspect and review their education record maintained by the institution
  • The right to request the institution correct records or portions of the records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading
  • The right to request a formal hearing if the institution decides not to amend the record as requested
  • The right to control disclosure of their education record except under certain conditions
  • The right to file a written complaint regarding the institution’s non-compliance with FERPA through the Family Policy Compliance Office within the U.S. Department of Education

Note: Any third party requesting records should visit .

Release of Student Directory Information

Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a student’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. You can control how your information is or is not released. Read more on the main FERPA page.

Requests to Inspect, Review, and Amend Education Records

FERPA provides current and former students with the right to inspect and review their education records. The following describes how current and former students can exercise that right. Students only have the right to inspect and review education records related directly to them. Students who request to inspect their records may review records that have been redacted to protect other individuals’ privacy rights.

Procedure for Inspecting and Reviewing Your Education Records

  1. A current or former student must make their request to access their education records in writing or by filling out the appropriate university Student Request to Inspect Records form.
    1. The request must include:
      1. Full name
      2. Student ID number, NSHE ID number
      3. The specific education records requested
      4. Current email address
      5. Current physical address
      6. Signature and date
  2. The request must be mailed or emailed as an attached PDF to the following:
    1. Via U.S. mail:
      The Office of the Registrar
      4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 1029
      Las Vegas, NV 89154
    2. Via email:
  3. The request, whether valid or invalid, will be acknowledged by the University via email to the address provided. Under FERPA, the university may take up to 45 calendar days to respond to valid requests; the 45-calendar-day window will begin on the day following the business day that the request was received.
  4. The university registrar or designee will gather the relevant education records in the University’s possession, check for compliance with FERPA and make any necessary redactions, as described above.
  5. Records will be gathered as of the request date, meaning that any education records added after the date of the valid request will require an additional valid request to inspect and a new time period will commence for those records.
  6. The student will be notified by email or mail when the records will be made available in the registrar’s office on the main campus or other suitable campus location as determined by the registrar or designee. Based on current staffing and available resources, students should expect dates to be offered near the end of the 45-day period.
  7. If students choose not to attend during the time assigned under section 6, the request will be closed, and students will be invited to make a new request.

Procedures on the Day of Inspection

  1. The student will check in with valid identification at the registrar’s reception area (or other suitable campus location as determined by the registrar or designee) at the agreed upon time. One form of government-issued identification is required, such as a current (unexpired) driver’s license, state identification card or passport.
  2. The student has the right to have one adviser of their choice present during the inspection, provided that the adviser’s schedule does not unreasonably delay the inspection. The university registrar shall determine what constitutes an "unreasonable" delay. If the student brings an adviser, the student will sign a FERPA consent form, agreeing to the disclosure of their record to the adviser during the inspection.
  3. A student will be given a reasonable time to inspect the records, which will generally be one hour. However, depending on the number of records requested, the registrar or designee may provide for a longer inspection period.
  4. The university registrar or designee will be present during the entirety of the inspection of the records. In general, students may not make copies or photographs of the education records. However, if circumstances effectively prevent the student from reviewing the records in-person at the registrar’s office, the university will make alternative arrangements to allow for inspection of the requested education records. Such arrangements will comply with FERPA and will be communicated to the student by the registrar.
  5. Following the inspection, the University Registrar will create a record that the inspection was conducted, including the initial request, the date and time of the inspection, a general description of the records inspected, the name of the adviser and the signed consent if an adviser is present. This record will be added to the student’s education record.

Amendment of Education Records

By law, the university is required to only consider requests to amend information contained in education records that is inaccurately recorded, misleading, or in violation of a students’ privacy rights. Requests for amendments such as a grade change or other substantive educational judgments, removal of materials such as received evaluations, any other decision of a university employee or official, or the outcome in a student conduct proceeding are not covered under the FERPA amendment process.

  1. Students have the right to request amendment to education records if, after review, they believe any of the records to be inaccurate. To do so, a student must submit  a request for amendment to the registrar’s office in writing, clearly identifying the records for amendment, as well as reasons the student feels the records are inaccurate. Any written request that does not include the required information will not be considered and the student will be notified in writing.
  2. Upon receipt of a proper request for amendment, the university will make a determination within a reasonable amount of time, not more than 30 calendar days, as to whether the proposed correction is accepted or rejected. The registrar’s office will notify requesting party of its decision.
  3. If proposed correction is denied, the student has the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Individuals who wish to have a hearing as a result of a negative decision must contact the registrar within a reasonable amount of time, not more than 30 calendar days after the notification of the original decision is sent. The registrar will determine the appropriate university official to serve as hearing officer depending on the nature of the decision being appealed. The decisions that result from the hearing will be considered final.

Should the university decide not to amend a record, students will have the right to place a statement in the record commenting on the contested information in the record or stating why they disagrees with the decision of the agency or institution, or both.