Tony Allen

Executive Director of Strategic Communications

Articles by Tony Allen

close up of athlete preparing to run on track
Business and Community | January 26, 2024

Longtime initiative expands with vote from NSHE regents; interdisciplinary institute advances sports science, business, and performance while supporting booming sports economy and workforce.  

portrait of student Zach Billot
People | November 1, 2023

Billot, a senior in the Honors College pursuing double majors in political science and environmental studies, moves to the final interview stage for world's most prestigious graduate scholarship.

China's FAST radio telescope
Research | July 28, 2023

International team reports on a radio pulsar phase of a Galactic magnetar that emitted a fast radio burst in 2020; observations suggest unique origins for “bursts” and “pulses," which adds to FRB formation theory.

illustration of a microquasar in outer space
Research | July 26, 2023

An international team of scientists reports in Nature the first detection of a quasi-periodic oscillation signal in the radio band from a Galactic black hole system.