Michael Green In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal
Nearly a century ago, writer Aldous Huxley called Los Angeles “19 suburbs in search of a metropolis.” In many ways, Las Vegas is the 20th suburb. The two cities share such links as the Old Spanish Trail, the L.A. to Salt Lake Railroad and Interstate 15. Three Southern California architects also did a great deal to make Las Vegas look the way it has and does.
Fox News
The NHL, WNBA, NFL and soon the MLB will have moved to Vegas in just the past six years
KCBS Radio
While Memorial Day weekend is renowned for being one of the busiest travel periods in the United States and symbolizing the unofficial start of summer, it is important to remember that at its core, this holiday holds a solemn significance.
The Nevada Independent
The Historic Commercial Center neighborhood about a mile east of the Las Vegas Strip has a storied history as a haunt for the Rat Pack in the 60s and a haven for LGBTQ+ communities from the 70s to the late 90s.
K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13
Monday marks the 118th birthday of the City of Las Vegas. In more than a century since the city was established, nearly 650,000 people have come to call it home.
The Las Vegas Strip has been the heart of gambling in the US for decades. But gambling is no longer the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. Over the last 30 years, casino profits have slowly shifted to nongambling sources.
Nevada’s US Senator Key Pittman died a few days before the November 1940 reelection that he was favored to win in a landslide. His body was preserved in a bathtub full of ice so his seat could remain Democratic. Or, so the story goes.
The History Channel
The carnage of the war was so extreme that historians have had a difficult time agreeing on exactly how many people lost their lives.