Experts In The News

Reno News & Review

In the days before social media stretched its digital web across every home and phone, it was relatively easy to avoid knock-down, drag-out battles over politics with friends and family members — avoid the topic or agree to disagree.

BBC News

When Sachin Raoul, 27, encountered a sexual issue following a break-up three years ago, it led to him feeling "distressed".

Las Vegas Sun

The last time a casino in downtown Las Vegas was built from the ground up, Muhammad Ali was stepping into the boxing ring with Larry Holmes at Caesars Palace.

The Nevada Independent

If any single category of voter has come to define the chaotic race for 2020, it is the American suburbanite.

The Nevada Independent

If any single category of voter has come to define the chaotic race for 2020, it is the American suburbanite.


A team of physicists in New York has discovered a material that conducts electricity with perfect efficiency at room temperature—a long-sought scientific milestone. The hydrogen, carbon, and sulfur compound operates as a superconductor at up to 59 degrees Fahrenheit, the team reported in Nature. That’s more than 50 degrees higher than the previous high-temperature superconductivity record, set last year.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas visitors will have access to a new adult playground this week: Circa.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas visitors will have access to a new adult playground this week: Circa.