Experts In The News

The Nevada Independent

The Nevada Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in a case weighing how state regulators should consider “public trust” values — the environment or recreation — when the sustainability of lakes or rivers could be harmed by how the state has allocated water rights.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

When it comes to coronavirus, there’s no question a lot of people are worried. 8 News Now took some of the questions viewers had posed and decided to ask a local expert.

Vegas Inc

When attendees arrive at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG construction trade show in Las Vegas this month, they’ll receive “no handshake” buttons and be greeted by signage emphasizing best hygiene practices.

K.U.N.V. F.M. The Source

In this episode of Medical Minute, 51ԹϺ School of Nursing Associate Professor Jinyoung Kim (Ph.D., RN) discusses the symptoms of Insomnia and therapy to cope with it.


A new study in the Journal of Transportation and Health, unearthed by the dweebs at Car and Driver, suggests drivers of higher-cost cars were less likely to yield to pedestrians at a mid-block crosswalk.

Las Vegas Sun

Kellee Boag often goes to Costco in Henderson to stock up on essentials like toilet paper and cleaning supplies. The mother of five says the wholesale chain always has been a reliable source for everything she needs to keep her family fed and healthy.

El Tiempo

If you drive an expensive vehicle, you are likely to be less courteous to pedestrians.


Most American drivers don't yield when a pedestrian crosses the street, but drivers of expensive cars are some of the worst offenders, according to a new study out of the US.