Experts In The News

Think about the so-called "story problems" you studied in algebra and other math classes. How many of them dealt with, say, two trains which, no matter how far they traveled, could never catch your attention? Were you the kid that asked (or silently wondered) "When am I ever going to use this stuff in real life?" Did you ever get the answer to that question, or were you left pondering it while trying to solve confusing, seemingly irrelevant problems?

Remember when low-fat diets were the rage? Now fats — or some of them, anyway — are considered crucial to a healthy diet. The fact is that recent years have seen dramatic changes in which foods dietary science considers good for you and which it doesn’t.

Seven Southwestern U.S. states that depend on the overtaxed Colorado River have reached landmark agreements on how to manage the waterway amid an unprecedented drought, including a commitment by California to bear part of the burden before it is legally required to do so, officials said Tuesday.

Seven Southwestern U.S. states that depend on the overtaxed Colorado River have reached landmark agreements on how to manage the waterway amid an unprecedented drought, including a commitment by California to bear part of the burden before it is legally required to do so, officials said Tuesday.

If you're a slumper, straighten up! Doctors say they're seeing a jump in patients coming in with neck and shoulder pain from spending too much time bent over their tablets and e-readers.

Homes regain value in less than two years, study says

A recent study finds that some of the West’s most fire-prone areas — densely forested, scenic landscapes — are also some of its most desirable.

Just over a year ago, Dr. Deborah Kuhls was nearing the end of her shift in the University Medical Center's trauma unit in Las Vegas. It was a Sunday like any other, the trauma surgeon said.