Experts In The News

Nevada has held detainees under President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance policy for prosecuting immigrants captured while crossing the border illegally, according to GOP Sen. Dean Heller.

The public outcry over the selective thinning of beautiful — but non-native — pine trees from Oak Opening Preserve Metropark is being tempered by science that now shows the controversial Metroparks Toledo decision from years past is paying off.

The Las Vegas police department is using social media to drive home a message of safety after several fatal incidents involving pedestrians and impaired drivers.

With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to join the Supreme Court, Nevada’s senior senator must decide whether to support a nominee who issued a pivotal decision on the state’s most explosive political issue: Building a national nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.

Nevada twice has come close to carrying out its first execution in 12 years. And twice it failed.

It's now a weekly, if not daily, occurrence: A video is posted on Facebook or Twitter showing a white person calling police on black people for minor violations or nothing at all, a new form of social media shaming that's exposed the everyday racism black Americans face and brought swift repercussions for the perpetrators.

The posture, not the time spent in front of the screen, is the first factor of these musculoskeletal disorders of a new kind.

Growing up in a military family in Florida, Matthew Gomez entered high school as what he describes as a “hard-line Republican.”