Accomplishments: School of Dental Medicine

Jyoti Mago (Clinical Sciences, Dental) and Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health; Internal Medicine) in association with Amar Kanekar of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock have published an article titled, “Applications of ChatGPT in oral healthcare: a current and brief overview” in the Global Journal for Research Analysis. The article…
Dr. Robin Weltman (Dental) co-authored “Preclinical teaching of periodontal surgical concepts using common instructional models: A comparative assessment,” which published online ahead of print June 2 in the Journal of Dental Education. The study evaluated and compared the effectiveness of two preclinical instructional surgical models:…
Dr. Robin Weltman (Dental) co-authored “Clinical efficacy of soft-tissue augmentation on tissue preservation at immediate implant sites: A randomized controlled trial,” which published April 13 in Journal of Clinical Periodontology. The study aimed to investigate the efficacy of soft-tissue augmentation (STA) with a subepithelial connective tissue…
Dr. Jyoti Mago (Dental) has been selected as a member of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics, within the Dental Imaging special interest group. Founded in 1980, the organization represents more than 9,000 medical physicists and clinical engineers working in the field of medical physics. The mission of the special group is…
Dr. Christina Demopoulos (Dental) co-authored “Managing Dental Anxiety With Advanced Behavioral Techniques,” which published May 1 in the Decision in Dentistry journal, and May 16 in Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. The article explored how using the principles of applied behavior analysis and functional behavior assessment can help allay patients’…
Dr. Jyoti Mago and Dr. Sonal Shah (Dental Medicine) delivered a virtual oral presentation for the International Association of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology (IADMFR) World Tour in May 2023. Their research, “Incidental Findings in the Paranasal Sinuses and Airway Regions and Their Potential Impacts on Dental Management: A CBCT Retrospective…
Dr. Maryam Tabrizi (Dental Medicine) organized and provided a continuing education course titled “Dentistry and Opioids” for community general dentists in response to opioid crisis in Nevada. The course provided a comprehensive outlook on clinical pain management for dentists, including: Focusing on history of opioids use, culture, the…
Jessica Immonen, Linh Nguyen (both Dental Medicine) and co-authors published the article "An Integrative Review of Remediation Practices for Health Profession Students and Clinicians" in the journal Nurse Education Today. Their findings demonstrated a statistically significant difference between medicine and nursing regarding remediation…
Dr. Sonal Shah (Dental) presented a poster titled "Rare Oral Pathologies in Two Immunocompromised Patients and Their Management Challenges" during the national, annual meeting of the American Academy of Oral Medicine. The presentation explored two cases. The first was a patient taking immunosuppressive medications for a kidney transplant, and…
Jessica Immonen (Dental), along with orthodontics resident Dr. Jeremy James, and second-year dental students Ceanna Robinson-Wiley, Megan Melocoton, Philip Friesen, and Yuxuan Ren, co-authored, "Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Exacerbates with Restored Teeth: A Cadaveric Case Report," which published in the April issue of Open Access…
Neamat Hassan and Karl Kingsley (both Dental) were recently appointed as guest editors for a special issue titled, "Advanced Biomaterials for Caries Prevention," in the Journal of Functional Biomaterials.  This special issue aims to publish innovative studies exploring recent updated materials and strategies for preventing dental caries. By…
Jessica Immonen (Dental) Ph.D., M.S., along with Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics resident Jeremy James D.M.D. published a paper titled, "Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Exacerbates with Restored Teeth: A Cadaveric Case Report," with the assistance of second year dental students Ceanna Robinson-Wiley, Megan Melocoton, Philip…