Accomplishments: Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Chris Heavey congratulates faculty who have received tenure commencing July 1. The tenure recommendations were approved at the Board of Regents meeting on March 5. Those faculty are: Scott Abella, College of Sciences Stephen Benning, College of Liberal Arts Maile Chapman, College of…
The CSUN Faculty Achievement Award recognizes faculty members for outstanding dedication to students through advising, classroom instruction, mentorship, or special events. Those receiving the award in 2020 are: William Ramsey, College of Liberal Arts, department of philosophy Caitlin Saladino, Greenspun College of Urban Affairs, Lincy…
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) is featured in a podcast for the New Books Network, a consortium of author-interview podcast channels that brings scholarly research to the public via new media. She was interviewed about her book Feminism, Gender, and Politics in NBC's "Parks and Recreation," as well as her other books and ongoing…
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) presented "The Gendered Endgame: Marvel's 'New Man'" at the 32nd annual conference of the Far West Popular Culture and American Cultures Association in Las Vegas last month. An expert in gender and media, she discussed how Marvel's blockbuster film Avengers: Endgame presents modified versions of masculinity…
Ted Greenhalgh (Public Policy and Leadership) presented "Thanos Ain't Wrong: Neo-Malthusian Angst in the MCU" at the 32nd annual conference of the Far West Popular and American Cultures Association held earlier this month in Las Vegas. His presentation explained how human effects on environmental resources become presented in mass media…
Benjamin Morse (Journalism and Media Studies) presented "Marvel and Morality: An 80-Year Evolution" at the Far West Popular and American Culture Association's annual conference earlier this month in Las Vegas. He explained how morality played a role in the success of Marvel Comics through the decades. Morse is a former editorial director of…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) has published a chapter titled "Fake Memetics: Political Rhetoric and Circulation in Political Campaigns" in the book Fake News: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age published by the MIT Press. The chapter argues that memes operate as stitching devices, which…
Philip Tschirhart and Emma Frances Bloomfield (both Communication Studies) published a paper, "Framing the Anthropocene as Influence or Impact: The Importance of Interdisciplinary Contributions to Stratigraphic Classification" in Environmental Communication. The paper examines disciplinary debates over the stratigraphic (rock-layer) â€¦
Steve Salerno (Journalism & Media Studies) won the Silver Award in the 2019 Mature Media Awards for his memoir, "The River Runs Through Us," on bonding with his troubled young grandson some years ago. It appeared in AARP The Magazine in April/May 2018.
Barb Brents, Andrew Spivak, Christina Parreira, Alessandra Lanti (all Sociology), and Olesya Venger (Journalism & Media Studies), along with Takashi Yamashita of the University of Maryland, are the authors of "Are Men Who Pay for Sex Sexist? Masculinity and Client Attitudes toward Gender Role Equality in Different Prostitution Markets," which…
Donovan Conley (Communication Studies) and Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) have published a sequel essay on the television show, Black Mirror, called "Bandersnatched: Infrastructure and Acquiescence in 'Black Mirror.'" The article, published by Critical Studies in Media Communication, argues that Black Mirror disturbs and…
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) has written an article, "Entertainment as Education: Multiculturalism and Interculturalism in Eytan Fox's 2004 Film Walk on Water," that appears in the current issue of Popular Culture Review. In the article, Engstrom explicates how the Israeli-German film illustrates both the recognition and celebration…