Accomplishments: School of Nursing
Rei Serafica (Nursing) presented his research topic "Acculturative Stress Among Older Immigrants in the United States" at the 44th Annual American Association for Men in Nursing in Orlando, Florida, earlier this month. He also serves as the vice-president of Men in Nursing of Southern Nevada.
Rachell Ekroos (Nursing) along with Patricia M. Speck (University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Nursing) presented "Title X Legislative & Regulatory Analysis Benefiting Children Affected by Sexual Exploitation" at the American Academy of Nursing's 2019 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference earlier this month in Washington, D.C.…
Rei Serafica (Nursing) has co-presented a panel presentation, "From Lightbulb to Paper: Getting Published in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing (JTCN)," at the recently concluded 45th annual Transcultural Nursing Society Conference held in Richmond, Virginia, earlier this month. He serves as an associate editor of JTCN.
Karyn Holt (Nursing) and Elizabeth Barrie (Online Education) presented at the annual meeting of the Global Summit and EdTech Expo Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age North American conference in Toronto earlier this month. This international conference was sponsored by the Institute for Performance…
June Cho (Nursing) received a pilot grant of $65,891 through the Mountain West CTR-IN (Clinical & Translational Research Infrastructure Network Program), funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Findings of her research project, titled “Health Disparities in Very-Low-Birthweight (VLBW) Preterm Birth in Nevada,” will…
Paul Clements and Karyn Holt (both Nursing) recently presented at the Global Summit and EdTech Expo Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. This international conference was sponsored by Institute for Performance and Learning, the Ministry of Education of Canada ,and Contact Norde. The title of their presentation was "…
Alona Angosta and Andrew Thomas Reyes (both Nursing) co-authored the paper, "Is Intimate Partner Violence a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease in Women? A Review of the Preponderance of Evidence," which was published in Health. Angosta's program of research is in the area of cardiovascular disease while Reyes' program of research focuses on…
Rachell Ekroos (Nursing) recently presented at the Evidence Management Conference sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Institute of Justice. She presented "Collection and Packaging Issues for Sexual Assault Kits" and participated on a panel that presented The Role of Medical Professionals in the…
Rachell A. Ekroos (Nursing) is the principal investigator for a subaward in the amount of $44,428 of a parent grant ($398,719) funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). She will collaborate with researchers from other institutions, including George Mason University and Georgia State University, to support their project titled "Improving…
Jinyoung Kim (Nursing) recently was awarded a $515,000 National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute R56 Bridge Award by the National Institutes of Health. The award will support her research on identifying unique physiological signatures of symptom based subtypes of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and correlating them with…
Karyn Holt (Nursing), along with three transdisciplinary colleagues across the United States, presented a pre-conference workshop at the Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning Assessment in Philadelphia earlier this month. The session discussed evidence-based practices related to student learning, Carnegie Unit, credit-hour…
Dieu-My T. Tran (Nursing) recently has had two articles published. She co-authored an article, "Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Factors in College Students: Midwest vs. Southwest," in the Biological Research for Nursing Journal. The article identifies underlying cardiovascular risk factors among college students including lifestyle…